November 29, 2020 | Internal

GP Job offer letter templates download

Once you’ve given a verbal job offer to your favoured candidate, you will need to formalise this offer in writing, posting and emailing the offer out therefore we have produced these GP job offer letter templates to give you the information you need to securely make a job offer to a salaried or Partner GP in your practice.

Making the job offer is the most important stage of the recruitment process and ensuring you have all the necessary information laid our correctly is of paramount importance

In our years of experience of recruiting for GP jobs, we have found that these templates cover all of the information they need to and have been well received.


Click the icon below to download your GP Partner job offer letter template


Click the icon below to download your Salaried GP job offer letter template


If you would like help recruiting for your practice please call our GP team on 01423 813454 or email us on [email protected] or browse our Primary Care recruitment page where we go into more detail about our service and how we can help you find Primary Care Professionals for your practice


November 29, 2020 | Internal