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You have the option to choose which two days you will work as they are flexible on the days.
Sessional/Hourly Rate
Length of Booking/Number of Sessions
4 sessions
Days/Dates Required
Open to negotiation
What Happens Next?
If you are interested in finding out more about this locum GP role then please click the 'Apply' button. On submission an email alert is sent to the specialist consultant handling this role to register your interest.
All dialogue with us is in the strictest of confidence, without any obligation and we will NOT send your details to the practice without your prior consent.
Please attach a copy of your most up to date CV to any emails sent for ease.
Locum GP
J342665 Tain Highlands and Islands £90.00 / Hour
A well managed practice in a purpose-built building is seeking a locum GP to work with them two days a week, on an on-going basis over the next 12 months.You have the option to choose which two days you will work as they are flexible on the days.
Sessional/Hourly Rate
Length of Booking/Number of Sessions
4 sessions
Days/Dates Required
Open to negotiation
What Happens Next?
If you are interested in finding out more about this locum GP role then please click the 'Apply' button. On submission an email alert is sent to the specialist consultant handling this role to register your interest.
All dialogue with us is in the strictest of confidence, without any obligation and we will NOT send your details to the practice without your prior consent.
Please attach a copy of your most up to date CV to any emails sent for ease.