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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do opticians get paid in Leicester?

Opticians in Leicester can earn an average salary ranging from £25,000 to £35,000 per year, depending on experience, location, and the type of practice. Salaries may vary within the city.

What is the average salary of optician jobs in Leicester?

The average salary for optician jobs in Leicester is around £28,000 to £32,000 per year. However, salaries may differ based on factors such as experience and the specific area of Leicester.

How can I keep updated with the latest optometry jobs in Leicester?

You can stay informed about the latest optometry job opportunities in Leicester by subscribing to our job alerts. We cover various areas within the city, and our alerts will notify you of relevant positions.

What similar optical jobs can I find on Prospect Health in Leicester?

Prospect Health offers a range of optical job listings in Leicester, including optometrist, dispensing optician, and optical assistant roles. We can help you find the right fit for your career in this culturally diverse city.