November 29, 2020 | Internal

Resignation letter template download

Resigning from your current job is one of the hardest things to do however once you’ve had a formal job offer you will need to formalise your resignation in writing. We have provided you with this resignation letter template to make this part of the process hassle free.

Why write a letter of resignation?

Writing a letter of resignation is the best way to hand in your notice as it creates a paper trail of documents that your employer can hold on your employment record and it is the first formal interaction with your incumbent employer. It also covers you should there be any legal hiccups with incorrectly processing your final pay check and helps your employer to set a date for when you can leave taking into consideration your notice period.

Download your Resignation letter template



If you want to find out more about how we could help you find your perfect new healthcare job, please browse all our healthcare jobs  or contact our team on 01423 813450 or email us at [email protected].


November 29, 2020 | Internal