November 15, 2024 | General Practice | International GPs

As of October 21, AHPRA has introduced an expedited pathway for specialist registration. This allows internationally trained specialist doctors who hold qualifications on AHPRA’s accepted qualifications list to apply directly for specialist registration. This will reduce the time it will take to move out to Australia from 10–12 months down to 4–6 months. Additionally, registration fees will be lower, as applicants will not need to pay for college comparability assessments. 

Key Changes 

In response to recommendations from the Overseas Health Practitioner Regulatory Settings Review – Final Report, 2023 (the Kruk Review), an expedited process to speed up specialist registration for international medical professionals was requested, which has led to the AHPRA launching this new pathway to get more specialists to Australia as quickly as possible. 

There is no requirement for formal assessment by an Australian specialist college, and applicants won’t be awarded Fellowship. However, you will receive specialist registration status equivalent to that of Fellows. 

Who is Eligible?

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Eligible doctors must have: 

  • A primary qualification in medicine and surgery from an institution recognized by both the AMC and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS). 
  • A specialist qualification included on the Medical Board’s accepted qualifications list, which is deemed substantially equivalent or based on similar competencies to an Australian qualification for the specialty. 

Currently, only general practice qualifications from the UK, Ireland, and Australia are eligible. However, by December 2024, additional specialties, including anesthesia, obstetrics and gynaecology, and psychiatry, are expected to be added. Other specialties may be added as they are identified as priorities by Australian health departments. 

Post-Registration Requirements 

Conditions will be applied to specialist registrations under this pathway including a six-month period of supervised practice, as well as an orientation covering Australian healthcare and cultural safety. Once these requirements are completed satisfactorily, the conditions can be removed, allowing the doctor to practice independently as a specialist. 

While fellowship is no longer required for registration, doctors may still choose to pursue it to access additional benefits, including professional networks, training, and advocacy opportunities. Doctors can apply for a comparability assessment and fellowship with a specialist college either concurrently with their Medical Board registration or upon arrival in Australia. 

Further Information 

For complete details on this pathway, please refer to: 

Or you can chat to out expert team at +44(0) 1423 813451

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November 15, 2024 | General Practice | International GPs