Our consultants work geographically across the UK. You can speak to them from 9am-8.30pm, 5 days a week.

Our consultants will take the time to discuss with you, in depth, what you want from your next career move. You will then be presented with opportunities that exactly fit your requirements.

Tom Edmondson

Tom Edmondson

Specialist Recruitment Consultant



Robyn Townsend

Robyn Townsend

Specialist Recruitment Consultant

01423 850428

Richard Evans

Richard Evans

Specialist Recruitment Consultant

01423 638175


Amy Rogan

Amy Rogan

Specialist Recruitment Consultant

01423 850 419

Leah Rhodes

Leah Rhodes

Specialist Recruitment Consultant

01423 850 417


Chris Ellerker

Divisional Director – Dentistry and Locum Vet Divisions

01423 682 285